Awareness Alert is dedicated to providing its customers with the best service and products possible! We will continue to strive in making our shop the first choice for high quality products, fast shipping and the best prices on the market for Awareness jewelry and Medical Alert jewelry. We have partnered up with shipping companies and security services so that your order is save and arrives as fast as possible.
The above reasons, but also many others, have made thousands of our customers happy. Have a look at their reviews to see for yourself what people have to say about us. Our happy customers and their support in raising awareness for a disease or cause is what is most important for us. We want to make the world a better and safer place for everyone.
All our orders are secured by Shopify and McAfee secure systems. This means that all you data is protected and you can cancel or change your order if you have made a mistake. Please contact us if you have more questions about this.